Obrigado, Philippe
Gostaríamos de agradecer calorosamente a Philippe Currat pelos 10 anos que passou connosco na Prime Partners SA.
Gostaríamos de agradecer calorosamente a Philippe Currat pelos 10 anos que passou connosco na Prime Partners SA.
Artigo que saiu da PPSA na funds people
Uma página foi virada na Prime Partners com a reforma de Marcel Mahon, nosso Presidente do Conselho de Administração da PPSA (Europe) Empresa de Investimento SA. Marcel, que fundou a Prime Partners há 25 anos, assumiu esta função aquando da criação da nossa filial.
Active-passive debate similar to Messi-Ronaldo GOAT arguments
We are honored to be part (once again) in the Top 50 IAMs from Citywire.
We thank Citywire for their continued recognition and congratulate Julien Serbit, our Senior Investment Advisor.
In concert with the federal authorities, the SNB and FINMA, UBS finally took over the CS Group.
We were waiting for a release of the CS about its current liquidity situation BEFORE a possible press release of the Swiss National Bank.
Prime Partners welcomes Thibaud Fuchs as Director, Wealth Manager in the South African team.
We look forward to this collaboration.